I want green grass. not dead grass...

I started with Kentucky 31 fescue. Didn't keep it mowed/maintained. It got too tall. Once mowed it was like walking on clumps of broken pencils.
Today mine is zoysia. Nothing one can do for it other than spread fowl manure ( chicken chit ). That aint happening here. Those with money put it down in sod form. Those who have more time than money put in plugs and wait.
Only place where it grows tall enough to mow is above the septic drain field. Bogs down a 14 horse Snapper too.
On the down side, It turns to any tiny yellow hay in winter than gets tracked indoors.
I would have to sow winter rye over it every fall to prevent that.
Bottom line, You just cant have a lush beautiful lawn this August. Sorry
I wouldn't invest a dime in any grass before early October.