What Happened to Stroker Scamp

And the hits just keep on coming'

I sent monies and joined FABO after Stroker Scamp ( Rob ) gave me information that was very useful when finishing up my Signet for the Umpteenth time thinking to myself, this is a good site and worth it and after that we called each friends and spoke on the phone weekly. Rob, to me is an honorable guy and I could not conceive at all what circumstance would have him banned, at least outside of the fact he is a republican. I think being banned is childlike and also think that in every society there are those who are respected or should I say, looked up to because of the monies they have as if its going to trickle down into the pockets of those who look up, that to me is also childish. As I said I cannot conceive why anyone would ban someone with so much talent and so much to give from the ideology of one being when a shitload of information can and has been shared.

On the other hand I have had moronic PM's from others sent to me as if my tone wasn't of value or pieces of my car were worth diddley such as the time I said I was going to remove the Shaker from the Signet and was offered a hundred bucks from several people here, I took it with a grain of sand. Some of the questions on here are not always from the young guns as you call them as if this site is a movie set as everyone's ego is soon to burst. Anyways, some questions are actually laughable as if simple common sense has been lost forever. well, like I said I cannot see Rob being banned when there are so many egotistical moronic nobody's who haven't a clue to what;s real and what isn't at any given time. Just like the use of words describing other manufacturers of vehicles slays me as secondary cars many own just to stay in the Chrysler family as if the ones that actually run every day without problems are the worst. Oh well, C'est la vie