My Father was admitted to ICU with a terminal brain tumor

Dad has been battling a massive outbreak of cancer (melanoma) over the last 9,10 months, it has invaded his brain again and there is nothing they can do. Two weeks ago he was walking and talking then he had a seizure, he mostly recovered from but since then he has been steadily getting worse.

Yesterday he couldn't walk or talk but was aware and conscious. He had another massive seizure and now is pretty much unconscious in ICU on life support.

There is no cure, and no chance of a meaningful recovery, barring some kind of miracle this is going to kill him.

I will miss him and pray for a peaceful end. He would be 85 in October.

You never know how much time you have left on this earth cherish every moment, love when you can, laugh, and live.
Don't waste your time on the unimportant things, don't wait to live, don't put off important things for the future that may never come. My two year old will never know what a great man his grandfather was, at least not directly.

I have included a couple of pictures of he and I putting a 273 in my first car (a 63 ) in the mid 80's.

The donor 69 valiant is in the background.

Dude, your one of the luckiest people on the planet. To have your Father that long and to share so many things makes me really happy for you. Be happy you had this time with your Father