Help me slant six dan

lets start from the top, last month me and my dad were putting the interior back into my 1974 swinger we had both doors open and I was installing the light bulb back into the dome light, it started to arc then blew the bulb out we got a new one, and replaced it after that, we turned on the head lights and we had no low beams.... we turned on the high beams and wala they worked.... so I took the car out that night and as I Left a light giving it gas the head lights sputtered and boom they burnt out... We replaced the headlights and had no problems for about 5 or 6 drives the other night I am coming home with the car, and once again I hammer into the throttle and the low beams sputter and quit working again! now I have just High beams and I know its just a matter of time before the high Beams go out again..... WHAT GIVES? :banghead: