Vintage Air System not too cool????!!!!

Well I had 2lbs of r134a in the system and should have had 1lb 12oz. They reclaimed what was in the system, vacuumed it down, and recharged with the proper amount. It was hot (ambient temp over 100) and we got 54 degrees out of the vent. They checked to make sure there was nothing obstructing the hoses and checked the expansion valve, all was good, pressure was 20-30 on the low side, 200-250 on the high side, fans kicked on when it hit close to 250, off when it hit 200ish and the compressor did not cycle, just kept going. Nothing out of the condensation drain tube, I mean jack squat. So I guess this is as good as it's gonna get, and I was comfortable on the drive home. Maybe when the ambient temp is lower the a/c might blow colder, or the blend door is not closing 100%, either way, I'm done screwing around with it and will drive the piss out of it.