No power to the starter

Due to getting married and having to buy a new car my '74 Swinger w/360 has sit for about 5 months. I went out to start it a month ago and all the warning lights came on and the buzzer buzzed but when I went to crank the starter nothing. No click, no tap just nothing. Thinking that there was not enough juice in the battery I tried to jump it with my other car and still nothing. Every thing else works (Headlamps, tail lights, etc) but not a drop of power to the starter. The first thought I had was a critter had decided to make a meal out of some tasty wire so I did a once over looking for any wires that might have been munched on but everything looked normal. I dont know where to go from here and I am looking for help. Has anyone else had this issue and if so what was the fix?

