Metal heads unite!!!

Remember when COC used to be punk? Although I do really like the songs that were posted.
DRI was one of my faves. Moved to FL, and met the drummer and sound guy the first week LOL! (and I DON"T LOL very much)

Slipknot? Too commercial? Wow- 25 years ago who would have thought?

Anyone in FL remember Genitorturers?

I also remember Marilin Manson being a bar act down here.
(...and I dated Brian's ex- GF after he did...what a trippy chick, and one of the smartest humans I've ever met.
She had a 69 Firebird, an iguana, three chickens, and several ferrets. She was a big Merciful Fate, Type O Negative and Sisters of Mercy fan.)

Oh, yeah..."nineteen sixty--- FIIIIVE Yeah!!"

RIP Chris Oliva - Savatage and Dimebag Darrel - Pantera.

Two of the BEST underrated guitarists EVER!

Speaking of underrated guitarists-


(kind of hair band looking, but their music is NOT hair band)

[ame=""]Malice - Breathin' Down your Neck [1987 - License To Kill] - YouTube[/ame]