904 differences

well I was right about the linkage , undid the bolt and let the rod adjust itself till it was free and unbound then tightened the nut , Voila the shifter hits all the detents and even clicks into place at all of them yeehaa , another small hurdle cleared and to keep the olympic spirit going I just have the big waterjump and a couple of small hurdles left in this steeplechase lol , the big water jump is I still haven't driven it to see if it will shift , the small hurdles are the clip , the cross member , the speedo and possibly the new drive shaft may not have been balanced as I've never seen one with out weights on it before . I am hesitant to attepmt the big water jump of driving it without the clip , I just don't trust masking tape to hold it any further that the end of the drive so I am trying to attach the requested pics here