Technical Calculators- Any Interest?

I am currently working on a hydraulic clutch system for my dart. I have been crunching a lot of numbers to make sure everything works right and I had a thought.

Is there any interest in creating a new forum section for technical calculators that could be used for common custom projects such as fluid volume displacement in hydraulic clutch systems, calculating engine RPMs at different speeds based on gearing/tire size, calculating exact engine sizes after boring/stroking, or even more technical stuff like determining the heat/noise reduction in a car attributed to insulating the floor or determining the location of the tire in a wheelwell (helpful in theoretical tire sizing applications).

I'm an engineer by profession and a dork by choice, so I would definitely be all for working to develop calculators to derive final values to be used in custom applications.

I'm just not sure if anybody else around here is interested in having the calculators publicly available. Can excel documents even be uploaded here? They're typically smaller than pictures, though some maybe be a bit larger.

Let me know what you guys think and maybe we can work with the Mods to put this in place.

