Any thoughts on this engine issue


Can you really refer to this as a surge? A surge to me is an engine that is searching. Like a gradual increase and decrease in RPM. But this engine is bucking and unless I am mistaken I think I saw where they have observed the timing and it shows no fluctuation. Now perhaps if the damper does have full degree markings they should hook the light to each cylinder and observe the timing. If they have marks at 90 180 and 270 they can at least see if any funky stuff is going on other than #1. What do you think?

he stated the engine timing is fluctuating. maybe not a full blown surge so to speak, but it seems like it is severely out of time. i would manually bring it back up btdc and see where the balancer is, then try to re-time it and see if it is jumping around. it would seem to me with a brand new chain, the timing should be rock steady.