Best of show !

I'm completely stoked and could not belive it, but this evening a neighboring town had it's annual cruise filling it's main street with about 250 cars. Much to my suprise, I won best of show, with the duster. There was a guy just two cars away with a 67 shelby, that was so ticked off he did not win. ( kinda funny really, sinse he has 75,000 dollars in to his car) He was ranting like a baby, and made a complete *** out of himself. He apparntly thought his shelby should have won because of it's rarity, and the money he had tied up in it. I was almost going to tell him he probably would have won if he at least cleaned the filthy tires and vacumed the carpets, and generally gave his car a detail before he showed up. LOL!

Nice!!!!!!!!!!! at least they appreciated a well prepped car for what it was, and a Mopar to boot:cheers:.