Fuel Problem, Took Duster for a Shake-down Cruise

Final update:
The new lines are in, new tank is in, new filter installed, and new steel line from the filter to the carb. Curiousity got the best of me and I cut the old tank in half just to see if I could find the float and sock. (and so I could put it in the trash). I really didin.t think all the rust in the tank would be that bad. I was wrong again. I used a standard sandwich baggie and poured not scooped and brushed all the rust that was in the tank into the baggie for some perspective. I'll let everyone be the judge. I will say this to anyone trying to decide whether to clean the tank or replace it in a 40 year old car. Just replace it for peace of mind. I don't think cleaning it will hold up as well as a new one.. Judge for yourselves when you look at these last few pictures..
Thank you all who have given me the guidance to get this done. It really isn't big deal to change out everything, it's knowing help is only a few keystrokes away..

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