Cops love Mopars.

Second if you draw a square I live on the left line on the top right corner is a soccer field hosting a beer festival { or as I call it the annual ahole fest } and on the lower right corner is the police station , I launch her out of my street while turning right towards the festival , she burns through first with a loud sustained squeal and plenty of smoke before I remember the festival 2 blocks aheads , I look down the road and about 6 cops are standing behind an unmarked van and one has a scope on a tripod pointed at me so as I approach I smile give a little wave and when I get to where they are standing I give them a little nod like I know them then I make the right turn towards the police station , I can see as I go by they are all looking at each other like who's that he must be one of us and by the time they figure out none of them know me I'm 2 block down at the police station turning right and heading for my garage laughing , one of the advantages of getting old and putting on some weight is if your clean cut you can pass for a cop lol .

PS that knowing nod and wave has worked a couple of times since when I might have been a little fast through the radar trap