CAR HUNT! or BOF & me car shopping!

A POUND of orange flake??!!
I'm working out of a 1.5 oz jar and have been sense 1978!! Still have 2/3 of a jar left. LOL when the guy sold it to me all those years ago, I said $50.00 bucks for that?? He said it was more than enough to last the rest of my life. So far he was right!
A pound??? Are they micro flakes or the ones the size on bass boats?
If they will go through my gun, I could use an oz or 2 for when I do the rest of the custom work on the roof and hood.
Have a good one jaws!

Bass boat stuff, This is enough for a small two tone job, not a hole car. Wagon's looking good John. You going to use a pin stripe between the brake on the third color?