Cops love Mopars.

back in 84 i had a mid 70,s camino rust bucket but ran like a bat out a hell i was also a stoner back then and did pizza delivery i had a spot lite that burned a hole in the seat so made it my stash spot was out cruisin with a buddy smokin a little left the local burger joint and stood on it smoked tires for about a block let off and passed a local cop he kept goin whew im thinkin time to park for awhile we headed for the bowlin alley as were pullin in i got lit up it was dead of winter cop walks up tells me he stopped me for tailight out runs my license its suspended im off to jail my buddy is suspended he cant drive car cop gets in my car to park it im screwed im thinkin he has a bad cold cant smell a thing doesnt find my stash all in all i got real damn lucky