Camaro Tire Explosion

I'm gonna get flamed for this, but, here it is anyway....

I've noticed on youtube (especially) that there seems to be some lowbrow reaction to situations were some one gets hurt, or damages their personal property. This is especially true of the skate board videos and car videos. There seems to be a lack of concern for people's well being or personal property. For example, the first reaction is never one of concern for an injured person, but rather on of ridicule.

The mentality of those who applaud and cheer when someone gets injured or breaks something, is rather alarming. I seriously doubt that any of them would be so amused if they were the injured person, or if it was their brother, son, or father, Daughter, etc. or if they were the owner the damaged equipment.
What's next, applauding a thief for getting away with breaking into you house or car?

I'm sorry, fellas, I don't see anything funny in someone's junk being wrecked, no matter what the brand is, or worse, in someone getting injured, or even killed, under any circumstances, including being stupid.