windage tray question

I've been on the dyno plenty. Anytime you wish to compare accomplishments, dial me up. On a throw together stock 318 that's never going to see the high side of 5000 rpm, you have to be fooling yourself to think it's going to justify itself or make an additional 5hp. . If it was a 416 stroker, sure. This is a wasted effort in this piece.

LOL, dial you up. More wasted time with someone trying to blote what they think they know.

The OP already dismissed the idea of the tray so the point is moot.

I've bolted together plenty of stock 318 with them seeing the better side of 5000. Not that anyone could tell the difference if the engine has a tray or not.

Yes,but Chrysler put windage trays on stock 340's, because it was free HP.

Now there is a wise man. Never argue with the engineers who screwed it together with published proven results. The above is trying to tell us the Chrysler engineers do not know what there doing. If there is any question about that, just re-read what he said and then go into the history books for those who are schooled and worked in the field working for Chrysler saying different.

I have no degree in this field but I am wise enuff to listen and watch and learn from those who are. If you do not know, ask the expert and Pro in the field.
Not from some guy arguing against them.

Gawd; yo ain't gonna get that much HP from the tray. Just build it without one. I've been running trays since 1970. Take it off, can't see the difference.

You are correct. But the power is there. The OP agreed on it's non use on this engine but slated it for the next. IMO, that is the best bet. IMO, it would be a wasted effort in doing this addition @ the price of the hardware for the build at hand.

Though I like the idea of a deep pan. A dry sump is a bit much for the street in most cases.