904 differences

no it shifts quick but soft you barely feel it , theres no lurch or kick at all , took it out on the highway for a couple of miles out and a couple back , still not sure on the speedo , was doing 10 over in town by the speedo but some times the traffick moves that fast on that street when it's not rush hour and when the rd became the highway I held 60 in a 48 zone and everybody pulled away from me so I let them so I could run her up to a 100 one time real quick and believe me 60 to 100 happens real quick ,then when I used the off ramp to turn around and head back I merged at 57 and ran in the pack at that speed which is 9 over but thats about right for the traffic back into town since theres a known speed trap in that stretch so I need to find a pace car or one of those radar speed signs that they use to slow you down by telling you how fast you are going . I also need to stretch her , legs a little more each run until I'm confident she's going to go the distance next weekend .The car may be the Bronze but I am the Night Rider .

PS she runs real smooth ,like glass at 60 so I really hope that is 60 because thats the magic number for hassle free highway cruisin up here, and all #s I posted are in miles the multiplier is 1.6 for kms so 10 over is 16 over for us really and most highways are post for 90 km which is 54 mph and 100km is 60 mph .