Cast versus Forged?

I would think for that power level a factory cast crank and rods properly balanced would serve you just fine, and last a good while unless it will see higher rpm's alot. Some people spin 6500 with their cast stock cranks no sweat. A good balance job will cost less than a crank which should be balanced again once all your parts are added. I dont see any real gains switching to say an eagle cast steel crank unless you got the esp armor finish put on for extra cost and even then the power gain would only be a few (less than 10hp probably) so id just stick with factory parts other than maybe pistons being upgraded to one that will raise compression a little. Long story short stock is fine unless you just feel the itch to spemd money then you can get an eagle crank for a reasonable price. Also check rockauto for a stock replacement, theirs come with bearings usually pretty cheap.