Disc brake swap Rotors

That Mopar Action article is COMPLETELY WRONG about the FMJ spindles. They do alter geometry slightly, but most folks will never even notice the difference. And if you are driving hard enough to notice the difference, then you'll notice the improved camber gain a lot more than any of the toe gain. It is useful as far as a parts list goes, if you ignore the comments about the FMJ spindles.

But you don't have to believe me. Mopar Muscle actually studied the geometry changes and published everything in this article. Bottom line is, you can use FMJ spindles without issue.


Yes, I think I remember the Mopar Muscle article. I agree with you. I reference the Mopar Action article because it give a complete parts list and some useful technical information. There's been some feuding between Ebooger and Mopar Muscle on that particular issue, but I've heard from more than one source that the FMJ spindles will work just fine.