Anyone running a hydraulic clutch with their 833?

Well, as I expected, I got the exact amount of clutch fork movement that I needed with the 7/8" master cylinder. Voila! the fork works right!

Now, here's the bad news- the car still won't go into gear... and I'm about 95% sure that it's because some dip$#!t (me) put the clutch disc in backwards. I read a few forums here and elsewhere and it seems that the clutch disc will not release from the pressure plate and flywheel if it is installed backwards. Also, I read centerforces website and saw that the full facing goes on the pressure plate side while the puc-facing goes on the flywheel side. I don't have any pictures, but I believe that is exactly what I have reversed.

I'm going to pull the transmission tonight and try to get it switched around. Wish me luck (at this rate, I will need it). I'll post my results so that others will know not to make this bonehead mistake.
