Hate to start another thread ... but.. help !

update... while I havent had much time to check things on the car I did do a couple things that I have read about. One thing I was informed to do was to replace the ballast. While I was pretty sure that was not the issue its cheap assurance to replace it. I did so and still have same concern. I ran my tester from the ignition side of the ballast to the battery and if I am correct it should read more then .3 mine reads at 1.3 (again I hate hate hate electrical) So I am thinking there is a bad connection or short or possible ignition switch issues. Still only have like 3volts across the coil... still instantly dies when put in gear.

To give more info to some people who have responded..... I dont have a complet MSD box. Its all Mopar stock ignition except the coil which is a new MSD Blaster (which I thought might be a problem) but the car ran for years with a Accel super stock in place...and the problem started with the Accel anyways. I have also put a stock coil back on just for giggles and it still has same issue.

I have cleaned and added dielectric grease to all the bulk head connectors and have checked all other connections to wirining that I can locate and cleaned them as well. Grounds are all good. Carburation is all good. I think I am losing voltage maybe through the new (to the car) cluster which all that runs through if I read things right. Or... the ignition switch which I have not tested properly yet.

Just crazy how it all runs good then one day... pooof..... problem.

Who knows ?? Maybe I am chasing more then one Gremlin... electrical and vacuum... or ??

Just need more time in the day to work on it !