NHRA no longer aknowledge Chrysler

yeah..we are all for safety...but dont see how 1000 ft is any safer then 1320 cause they are already running the same speed...

fix the tracks that are the problems.....at Las Vegas...the TF and FC dont even make it to the turn now..got to be pushed off the end of the track...

Beyond the cost of lengthening the tracks shut down area, there is another factor of room. In some cases there is simply no room for an expanded shutdown area. For example, at Englishtown, NJ. Pension Rd crosses with in yards of the end of the shut down area. I suppose they could reverse the track and add a few hundred feet to it, but I doubt the township would allow the staging lanes and the starting line noise so close to the highway. It would also cost a ton to do.

There are also a number of situations where the track owners do not own the property beyond the existing shut down area, and, as would be expected, the property owner whats a fortune for the extra land, either via sale or lease.

As far as building new strips with longer shutdown areas, I can't imagine what the government regulations would be. I'd imagine that drag racing fans are a minority of the population, and even a bigger minority in Federal, state, and local governments.

It seems to me that for the purposes of continuity we will either have to live with 1000 foot racing or slower cars.