Ridiculous car show registration fees. Rant.

I am in MN, seems like shows here are still cheap, $5-$10, lots are actually free! I never had to pay to to go on a car cruise either, and there are some huge ones here. The only one that is more is the Mopars in the Park show in Farmington, $25 fee might be at the gate or $15 pre-registered buts it's worth that to me. I go to the shows for the swap and to see other cars, not a trophy hound, I usually only stay a few hours tops, then leave early.

I do like entering my car even though it's not perfect, people like it and it's nice to get the family and cooler into the show. Thats the next thing, they will say "no coolers" cause it's cuts into the vendor sales. When we bring a cooler we pack food, pop, water, just so we don't have to buy more at the show, plus, more money to spend in the swap for parts!!