Ridiculous car show registration fees. Rant.

Money money money thats what its come down to. You and your buddies need to orginize your own cruise or show. See if there are any clubs close that you could join and get involved to help poor working class like us a cheaper show or cruise. No free rides anymore its all about the$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

We have the same problem here too many 20-40 dollar shows, us workin folks can't afford the regrestration and fuel,food ect plus they let any year cars to enter then we have to compete not only against nicer older cars but also brand new cars with a bunch of boltons very unfair.I only go to free shows/cruiseins i refuse to spend money to show off my old cuda so the promoters can line their pockets [that includes benifit shows also].
Another gearhead and i started a cruise in several months ago flyers were handed out,posted on my facebook page and a automotive facebook page we have sat there every saturday from 5-8pm every night since may 2012 by ourselves with a few cars stopping by but we will keep trying.

We were just talking about this the other day. The cars ARE the show. Charge the spectators!

I don't think the spectator should have to pay, but WE as the exhibitors should get discounts and be treated like the owners of the busness or persons putting on the cruise/show appreciate us coming there with our cars. I personally don't give a damn about trophys [there are those who only think about them and get pissed when they don't win one how childish]. I'm all about the door prizes i think they are one of best ways to have return visitors,along with 50/50 [which pays for the door prizes],food discounts are another form of appreciation. I live for this hobby i always have [the past 35 years] i work all week looking forward to going to the friday night cruise in and relaxin with other gearheads, unfortunatly this hobby as with other things greed has ruined it for most of us true lovers of the hobby [not the flipper types in it to make money] we the true lovers of this hobby are the keepers of the flame of intrest for our younger generation it's up to us to get them intrested so they will keep restoring these great cars and enjoying them so everyone can see them for many years to come.