Dart "Lite" aluminum intake

the aluminum weighs about 18 pounds lighter than the 2 barrel cast iron one.

The carb might be a bit specific to the year and model, but most 2 bbl Carters on 318 and slants can interchange.

I think that either:
1. This is not a Dart Lite manifold or
2. It's a one-barrel manifold.

Slant Six Dan said in a post, "The '76 Feather Duster/Dart Lite had an aluminum 1bbl sandcast intake -- totally different from the '60 casting."

This guy knows slant sixes.

Why would they install a 2-bbl carb on an engine that had a 1-bbl, when fuel economy was what they were after? Doesn't make sense to me...

Better look again at that carb...