Can I rant

Sometimes it ask myself why the hell do I have a girlfriend? All she does is ***** and moan When I say it wanna work on my car for a couple hours out the day I get attitude about it, and get bitched at if I don't come back in at a certain time. I know I'm not the only one, don't get me wrong I've been with this girl 3 years and love her to death but it's like she makes me choose Mopar or her, I dnt make you choose between that louis bag and me. Do I?noooo so stop Mali g me feel guilty cause I ask to do something i love a few f-in hours out of the week ( exuse my french fellas) it all leads to argument sayin I spend too much time on my cars and. Not enough on her , and it's my fault that I work the hours I work. Give me a break. Hey check this one out guys she says "why don't you get up at 7 am before work and work on it then . "ok"I go , she says you. Wouldnt get up that early for me to go to the gym or to go hiking . Boom more fuel to the fire jeez this **** never ends guys I tell ya. You dnt save money hou spend it all on uour car , spend it on a ring. Oooohhhh shiit here we go hahaha anyways at the end of the day I love her no matter what and appreciates everything she does for me Just needed to get that out. Venting over :angry5::mumum: