Can I rant

Lol better hope she doesn't find this. You guys moved in with each other to soon. She needs to hangout with her girlfriends more. That's where my relationship went wrong. I moved to a new place and met her. Only friends I had were in baseball and when that was done I only wanted to hangout with her and not give her time to be with her friends or do what she wanted. Would have been different of I had my car. Tell her that you lover and you will try to make time for her but she should hangout with her friends also because the stress of work needs to be relieved working on your car because it's what you have from your dad and it helps you calm down. Could always move the car to my house and hide lol

Man if I could find away to get this car to your house believe me I would lol ,she thinks I have too much of a passion for cars, I'm like wait wat, that's not possible lol I used to be able to come home and be in garage til 1 am every night no problems now things changed Im lucky to get 2 hours of ***** free Mopar time anyways I'll get over it she better too lol