Flying Cars when will it happen

BBC has some pictures of a few flying cars, airplanes that can be driven like a car.

Kind of surprising how primitive most of them look like and how they seem so hard to build

Cars today aren't any quicker to get around then the cars we had 50 years ago. Sure they drive better but its still 70 mph driving down the same old roads, newer cars don't take you around any quicker, just uses less fuel.

Flying cars are the next big thing, imo. Computers are going to have to take over - help out on driving and "talk" to each car around and then the sky's be open.

Wounder when it happen in masses, likely 100 - 150 years from now, ha ha

But since roads will no long be needed as much it has to happen someday, your very own car - plane to get around with

Then for sure a 11 second car won't seem so great, lol a car that can not fly will be like the horse and buggy