No Respect for Early-A's

I think the reason most don't do what you do is because all they know is 'slap a v8 in there and call it good'.. The way of going turbo slant six is so unorthodox to some people that they will try and do anything they can to get you to see it there way, and I think that is the hardest obstacle to overcome when building something like your race car.

Well, thanks for the support. I do appreciate it.

I have had a lifetime of normally-aspirated V8s and just wanted to try something different for a change.

I HAVE a V8 car... never have had a six, nor a turbocharged car.

This is all new terrritory for me, but I'd be lying if I said this setup was anything ~I~ came up with.

I watched the Ryan Peterson video and Tom Wolfe's video and started gathering information from them about how to accomplish something like what they had done.

Both of those guys are magicians with a slant six.... and are friendly and forthcoming with information, so I basically just built a "copycat" motor, hoping I could come somewhere close to the performance they had achieved.

That remains to be seen...

If I can run within a second of either one of them, I'll feel pretty good!

If I can't, shame on ME; they gave me the blueprint!

The formula isn't all that complicated; I think it's all in the tune-up, personally.

One thing for sure; it's gonna be fun!!!:happy1: