Need help identifying these please

Battleground, eh? Have a friend, now in Alaska used to live there.

Amateur Radio op named Alan "Marty" Martin. Used to be a bricklayer before age, carpel tunnel, got in the way.

I can't remember what that's called, it was an option, "mileage minder" or some crap. All this is, a vacuum switch which turns on the left front fender turn indicator when the vacuum drops, the idea being that if you "keep the light off" your mileage stays higher.

EDIT "Fuel Pacer", here:

The relay with the reset button is the horrid seatbelt interlock. You would do well to bypass it. You should have two "yellowish" (yellow, yellow with tracer, etc) one of which goes to the starter relay. You should be able to jumper those yellows together and do away with the rest.
