Anyone running a hydraulic clutch with their 833?

good luck let us know how u make out

sounds like you only gained about 1/4 inch of slave travel ??

That's about how much I calculated I would gain.

I finished installing the rest of the pieces last night. If anybody is curious, you do not need to drop the bellhousing the pull/replace the tranny. There is plenty of room for the input shaft to draw out of the clutch/flywheel assembly and drop down without needing to pull the bellhousing down.
Wish I knew that on disassembly.

Anyways, everything works perfect now. I had a buddy spin the clutch disc with his finger while I pushed it in- insert trust here.
I haven't actually moved the car (need exhaust clamps to reconnect my exhaust, which was cut due to the exhaust shop welding everything in place), but I expect everything will work as needed.

Lesson learned- put the clutch in the correct way the first time around.
