paint runs

DAMN! That ain't no run, Thats Niagra Falls Bro!! LOL!!!

Don't sweat it! You don't need to do the whole car. Just fix the panels with runs and reapply. If you didn't sand too far on the first paint job you may not have to reshoot at all depending on how thick the paint is. Let it dry for the rest of the day and get at it in the morning. On the runs start with 600 to quickly knock the runs down with a hard block and when you get close to removing the runs grab the 1000.

You can try the razor blade method but unless you have done it DON'T!!!! If you do try wrap the ends of the blade with one round of tape. That way you won't cut past the run.

Since you are using a single stage that isn't metallic it is not hard to fix! Take your time, don't rush it. I still see a bit of orange peel anyway so you will probably cut and buff the whole car anyway.

No one can knock you for trying! Outside of the runs it looks pretty good for a beginner!!! I'll give you two thumbs up for your effort!