Wilcap Slant Six to 200R4 conversion

If it runs mid-90s in the quarter, you're looking at 4,800 rpm going thru the traps... just right For a boost engine!

Dang, Kid; this is a STREET car... not a race car.

If he put a 4.56 in there, that would give him 5,300 rpm through the traps, but it would run his 70mph cruise from 2,700 rpm, up to 3,000 rpm, not so relaxed in an engine with a stroke of more than four inches...

The difference in the two gearsets would probably manifest itself in less than a tenth difference in the quarter; hardly worth it if it ruins his hiway cruise situation.

If he just wanted to go fast, he would have put the hairdryer on it; this is a pleasure cruiser with some balls... a fun car with no complications.:blob:

My 2-cents...