Pomona NMCA event

Went out to the NMCA event at Pomona today and ran the Dart in the True Street Class. My three run average ET was a 13.15 That was not even close to a win for the 13.00 index class. Think the winner averaged a 13.04 I ended up around mid pack of nine or ten cars in the 13 second index.

Check out this Duster it was bad ***, number 2 qualifier in it's class. They were only running 1/8 mile in the pro class because of track conditions. Not sure if I remember the ET, It may of been around 4.19 in the 1/8th or in that general area. Sorry about the bad phone picture. Just thought it was pretty cool to see an "A" body running good in the top pro class out there.

Besides the 100 degree heat and the overbooking of the event with cars it was a good time. Lot of nice Mopars out in force. That was nice to see.