Water pump blocked by AC compressor

Do you have access to a "FSM" ( Factory Service Manual ) for an 'A' Body ?
It's been a number of years --decades , truly-- since I've replaced a water pump (or have performed other invasive work) on an A/C-equipped LA Engine
( and never on a B/RB engine ), other than my personal 1972 Coronet ; I removed the compressor and its related equipment from the Coronet's 318 .

I'd *imagine* that so long as you don't crack any a/c gas lines loose , you'll be okay (even discharged , these old RV-2 York 2-piston compressors hold a lot of oil ! Very messy ! ) .
In the "good ol' days" , it was a much easier deal ; with R-12 refill cans being readily-available , losing said gas was no biggie , as cans were dirt cheap !

As far as removing the compressor (and the Receiver-Dryer and Condenser ) is concerned :
- The drive pulleys are vastly different between A/C and non-A/C engines ;
- Water pump housing may be different (especially on the '69 & earlier cast iron housings of the 273 / 318 / 340 ) ;
- Car's ride-height will increase once the compressor is banished .

If the A/C works other than just needing a conversion (readily available) and a recharge , then by all means , get it working !
These old RV-2's are among the best out there . Even on a 125 degree day , in Death Valley , with the windows up while basking in the Sun , a Chrysler equipped with factory A/C will cool down in very short order ! I know this for certain , as I've tested just that !