Sad day today

My most sin-cere condolences on your loss .
I , too , have feline companions ; and have had many over the years . The two lovers I have presently are shelter rescues ; Molly is 10 years old (got her at 6 months) , and Oliver is 9 years ( got him at 8 months ; still acts like a kitten !!) .
If I may offer some advice : go purchase a Maneki Neko statuette and place it in a public area of your home ( mantle , entertainment centre , etc.) for all to view . The Maneki Neko is , literally , "Beckoning Cat" in Japanese ; "Hello Kitty" is based upon this fablled feline .
They are a good luck and joyous character . This statuette will serve as a joyous reminder of your feline companion and its imperturbable Spirit .

Animals are better than people ...
I've maintained this assertion for absolutely years now !
they only break your heart once...
When they pass away , physically :-([/QUOTE]
they never have a bad day and [then]take it out on you. They just love you.
Amen to that ! Unconditional love is all that they expect in return :D .