FABO Member Warning

not to change the subject but "avoid my name being smeared all over the board"......this is just an internet forum, nothing more nothing less. i get the impression some times that this is life for some folks......it is just the internet. it is not like if your name gets smeared here that there is going to be gigantic repercussion some where. how many folks here even use there given name freely?? the guy that has caused this wave very well could walk up to you tomorrow and you would not know him from Adam......would you know who I am if I knocked on your front door in 20 minutes?

touche' Doug. and you are right, but i have seen your face and Adams too , and if you came beating up my front door , i would be straight out the back door LOL ...
but seriously, just as people have found Mark , people can always be located, and there are some that wont just write off a loss and will hunt you down. i would just never put myself in that position. it just sucks that people feel the need to clean out their desk and take off with deals pending and disappear