Time to Clean Out The storage

wow intakes sold??? I was the 1st to reply to the thread and 1st to send you a pm on everything for sale, but i get bumped???? Wth??? 3 for sale and i cant even get 1??? Is my money no good??? Thanks for nothing!!!!!!!!! I'll store this in my memory bank!!!!!

Well, I tried to be fair but it all boils down to who pulled the trigger first. Your first PM asked for a shipping quote. The successful buyer made a commitment shortly after that for three manifolds. I then made the commitment to sell. Happened that fast. If the sale had fallen through you were the next in line. I belive I updated the original thread showing that. As far as your petty little rant and idle threat so be it. I guess you won't be interested in the two other LD4B's Im considering on selling, well, store that in your memory bank.