I hate the new Dodge Dart

My buddy and I went and saw It, Drove It,...Unimpressed by the performance and the price,...not cheap,...But not a terrible car,...and remember this is 2012, not 1972,...

Sadly, the cars we really like and drool at on this site will never, ever be produced again, period. Get over It. Move on to the 21st century already,...Ya'll are gonna have to get used to the idea that todays cars are all just like what we all made fun of in the 70's when we looked at artist scetches in car mags back then. Ugly little jelly beans.

My (our)next new car will prolly be a Silverado anyway, (thats what Momma wants),...I'll keep waiting for a "real" Dodge for myself,...That means No Fiats in pentastar clothing, and no imatation stick/autosticks/ half sticks, etc,... In the meantime I'll just keep wrenchin on what I got, cause I don't see anything out there today that I'd buy for myself...