LSx Valiant Build. Take a look inside...

For what ever reason people loose their **** when you talk about putting a LS engine in a mopar, even on sites like when I posted my LS Dart build guys jumped all over me about it. In the end it was just more fun to go back out to the shop and keep doing my own thing and just not bother posting it.
And car shows are another place that seem to bring out the winners, we have a show every Sunday night at a local restaurant, sometimes I'll bring one of my old cars or even throw vintage moto-cross bike in that back of the truck for people to look at.
A few weeks ago I went in my 2012 5.0 mustang, I was there about 5 minutes and some goof starts telling me I'm nor a real car guy because I bought the car and "real" car cars build cars.

I think I remember your thread on there. When I was doing preliminary research for this build I came across that hread. I was hoping that you got farther along in it so that I had a better idea of how to go about this. lol Your thread was one of only a handful (literally likes three) threads I could find on a ls into mopar swap. Hopefully RMS decides to set up some of its customers with ls motor mounts on its beautiful alterkation setup.