I hate the new Dodge Dart

I bet it has more pep than the original Dart did back in '63. And it gets better mileage. Dodge has to make an economical car to keep up, and why not name it after their original "economy car?"

Fuel economy is killing Chrysler because they can't compete in their class with any of the other manufacturers. I was glad to see they were finally able to invest some money in a higher efficiency motor. I know it is a modification to a Fiat motor, but take what you can get.

I saw a few last week at the dealership and really liked them. I didn't drive one since I'm not in the market, but from a looks standpoint, it is a nice compact car and is reported to get up to 39 mpg on the highway. The base model didn't look to be too expensive in today's market and I hope they sell.