my 68 barracuda notch

well as you can see my buddy and I have been busy the last week or so.Got the drivetrain in now but not without a few issues with header clearance around the steering box.Ended up having to shim the steering box outwards a little and ended up with lots of room.
Spent last evening doing the detail work on the console and reassembling it.It is not perfect but good enough.I may have the ashtray door rechromed i think.
We plan to install the driveshaft and exhaust on monday and hopefully fire it up.
Sure is going to be nice to hear it rumble.

It has been a real pleasure assembling the car with Dean as he was a Chrysler mechanic for 40yrs and has a collection of parts that is amazing.It is nice to have access to the little things that you need as you are putting it together.