Frame?? I need one... the whole thing.

you do realize it is a uni-body? you are going to have to find a good parts car , run an add here for rails, or find a clean car to put your parts on.

First things first, Welcome to FABO!
Unless you have a deep attachment to the car, do yourself a favor and buy a rust free shell and transfer all of the good stuff you have over.
You will save yourself a pile of work and headaches.
And to boot, you will have yourself a better car when you are finished.
You know, we love pics!

Comments on here are right, swapping frame rails isn't a weekend job, swap cars my friend. There is other rust lurking there as well...

Agreed on all accounts above.
The only thing that unbolts is the k frame and the rest is cut, replace, modify and weld. Much easier to fine a good base car and move the goodies over.