69 Barracuda Convertible Father & Son Projects

Hi Everyone

My son John and I have started a Father Son a couple of months ago.

John was home one weekend and he told me that we needed a project to work on together. I told him that i knew of a 69 Barracuda Convertible that has been sitting in a garage for about 10 to 12 years. I took him to where the ar was but being it was Sunday we would not knock on any doors that day.

I went back a couple of days later and asked if the car was for sale and took some pics and sent them off to John.

The email was answered right away as will as a phone call to look into buying the car. With to help of a couple of friends to see if the car was worth restoring we bought it and now it has a new home.

The first thing to do was get the interior our as well as the carpet and when the carpet came out the floor and trunk were like the day it was built this was an added plus.

The next thing was to get the sleeping 12 year engine back to life and with a lot of coxing the slant 6 engine runs again.

We have now removed the both front fenders bumpers and grill assemblies

We will now take the bumpers to see if they can have the small dings straightened out and re-chromed.

Will try to get some pics on as well