Wife's in the hospital

Wish I could tell you guys everything that's been going on lately, but I don't have patience with doing it on my phone.

Had to call in a DNR and it's still in effect. Her brain just wouldn't be able to handle any stoppage of her heart and allow me to put her living will in effect. She was so up against her living will over the weekend I came to peace with the decision of carrying it out.

But the surgeon asked for one more week, and basi ally, so did Sarah. "If there is no hope..." she wrote. Monday the pneumonia starting clearing up and her neuro tests became more positve. She's still not awake and there's still issues with her lungs. The sedation can't be taken off to help her lungs and the ventalor is still at a pretty high setting. It could be another week or so that her lungs are healed to the point where they can lift the sedation and anothet couple of days before she even tries to come awake.

She's still very much walking on a very narrow ledge, but it's getting a little wider. She wanted her shot, by God I'll ******* push her through it if I have to. She's responding to my voice... And trust me, she knows how I can push. But it could be weeks, maybe months, before her brain is connected to her body enough to actually see a lot. But I made a committment to her almost 11 years ago. Be damned if I give up on it now.

I am glad things are taking a positive turn for her and yourself. You are always in our thoughts. We will keep sending prayers your way.

God bless!