Bake paint onto parts in gas range oven?

Welllll, let me clarify. Gas range. Using process in order to accelerate drying and curing.

2 part paint, rattle can, epoxy, rustoleum brushed on. Varieties of coatings.

For example, on occasion, I have to build a mount for some one-off application and have it ready to go out the door completely dry by 5 am the next day. So, I lay the paint on heavy, let it hang in the sun an hour, set it in the oven for 3 hours on 250, air dry it over night. Dry and hard.
I know, pinholes. I never see any, doesn't mean they are not there.

Of course preparation is as important as anything. So I usually sand blast bare, soak the part in pure alcohol, air dry, warm the part with a propane torch to about 100f, paint one medium coat and 5 minutes later one heavy. Then air dry for an hour, then bake in oven.

Mainly I am interested in exploding ovens or the lack thereof.


Been doing it for years, but at about 200.
Never had a problem doing it, gas or electric.