Really??! This really happened??!!!

Good attitude. Itll get you back...I once collected 8 cases of Ipod Nano's (when they first came out) from an apartment complex back alley. Seems a UPS truck had hit one too many speed bumps and the cases flew out the back of his truck about 3 minutes before I pulled up! I collected them not even knowing what they were until the last box, where I read the destination was "The Apple Store", evidently one of his next stops as it was right next to a large mall. I thought for about 5 seconds what I could do with all these as Christmas was right around the corner but then it kicked in like a slap in the face: What would happen to the driver losing thousands of nanos? I drove to the Apple store and just missed the driver who was still in the parking lot, I waved him down and gave him back his job, all 8 cases.....he said "Thank, I gotta get that door fixed!" and took off. Boy was that a reality check! 2 months later my company gets sold, I lose my job and am unemployed for 3 months...then God hands me my career job I have now, thank you Lord! Now, about those last 3 months.....? ;-)

Way to do the right thing. I only hope I would make the same decision.