Pistol grip shifter

If I did it and made a brackey what wold be best choice?

Not sure, maybe the E-body one? If you want a console and pistol grip, this is what I would do. Buy a used pistol grip shifter and another Hurst shifter that has the same flat stick shape. (I have a Hurst B-body bench shifter with a shift ball that I would use, it is really long) Take the other shifter and heat it up and bend it where it needs to clear, then when you have the right length cut the top off, then cut the base off the E-body one and weld the 2 together. Then grind the welds flush and have it rechromed. Not sure how this would work, probably time consuming but if having the console makes you happy...:glasses7:

Also, look at the factory 4-speed consold shifters, they have a groovy looking base that could help by studying them.