Wife's in the hospital

Today was been a hit and miss day. She vomited earlier, which, when there's a tube in your mouth, isn't a good thing. Nurse was just walking in the door, as I was standing up to see what was going on. Immediately the room was full, four nurses, about 1/2 dozen doctors on rounds. Had to catch myself from rushing to Sarah's aid... natural instinct. Not much I could do in a situation like that when there's so many trained and experienced people in the room, so I made myself very small, leaning on the window sill.

The ICU director made the comment of, "Sarah's wanting to be difficult..." All I could do was smile. Of course, she is! Something like this can't be easy, otherwise she wouldn't be Sarah! :D

Since then, she's spiked a pretty severe fever. Jury's still out what could be causing it, the cultures take time to grow, so it could be a day or two before we know if there's an infection. White count went up a bit, but not much. They immediately hung a new bag of antibiotics.

MRI's were done last night. Neuro-surgeon came by today to explain what he saw. Swelling's coming down on the stem - good thing. The blood is still in the area of the tumor - not so good thing. She had two extra-ventricular drains (EVD) to help with the blood. She popped one out the other day and the second one clogged. They replaced the clogged one tonight. So far it's drained a lot. If it becomes clogged again, then they're talking about putting in a permanent shunt. She had two put in during the original biopsy, but one was clogged and taken out during the tumor removal. Chances are the second one is clogged, too.

The MRI also showed what appears to be permanent damage on the occipital lobe. Nothing extensive. The neuro-surgeon believes she'll loose a bit of peripheral vision on her right side.